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Dar.Ra – Rock Steady

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Take a quick peak at Dar.Ra's brand new rock music video Rock Steady. This is how Dar.Ra responded when we asked:

Where did you get your inspiration for this video?

"American Werewolf In London
Had the Idea of A Vigilante Werewolf Cleaning Up The Streets Of NYC"

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Dar.Ra Is A Fore-Runner Of Rock Step. A New Sub Genre Of Rock Music From The UK That Glues The Guitar Bliss Of Rock N Roll With The Euphoria Of EDM! Vevo
Dar.Ra is a really Unique songwriter, producer and author who makes an Amazing blend of Rock and Soul Music'  (21st Artists Hollywood)  
'Highly Impressive' (Planet Earth Radio USA) 
'Well worth listening to this Artist' (Strutter Zine Mag Holland)  
'Rock n Roll Diamond In The Rough' (Electro Wow USA)
'Dar.Ra is an incredible act to follow as he is always evolving on each song with incredible results' (Indie People USA)
Dar.Ra infuses layers of vocals and instrumentation into each record he makes. The genius of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band by the Beatles, came to mind while listening to “Phenomenal”, “Back To The Brink” and “Heart Shape Pill” (Tune Loud Magazine USA)

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