Events + Music Tv
A/V Revolution loves that revolutionary, underground sound, with added educational value wherever possible. We respect those in the community who are doing their best to revive that same revolutionary, underground flavour too.
If you are hosting events which are keeping that raw underground flavour alive, or promoting revolutionary new music through broadcasting then please, Contact Us.We would like to feature small music TV broadcasters and event organisers wherever possible, so whether you are well established or just getting started let us know.
Underground Music TV
Contact Us
Education / Non-Profit / Community
If you are an organisation concerned with providing informative or educational resources we would love to hear from you. A/V Revolution is particularly keen to combine information and educational resources with music or video wherever possible. Likewise if you are a non-profit organisation or running a large community based project requiring an extra platform for promotional purposes, please get in contact with us. Just send details of your establishment here and outline how we can help. Current organisations we help promote can be found under the “Organisations” tab.
AVR-Music is proudly brought you by A/V Revolution. Interested in getting involved with A/V Revolution? Contact us