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Ben Friedman – My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad

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Have a quick look at Ben Friedman's latest hip hop video My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad. This is what he had to say when we asked:

Where did you get your inspiration for this video?

"After hearing countless songs about drugs, violence, sex, and other “grown-up” topics, I had a funny idea. Why is every song about grown-up stuff if every person would go back to elementary school in a heartbeat if they had the chance? No worries, no knowledge of the horrors of the world, and most importantly, lots of dinosaurs and sharks!!!! It was AWESOME"

More Details The boast holds an intended badass threat of the highest caliber, but brings about a laugh from just about anyone over the age of 10. After hearing countless songs about drugs, violence, sex, and other “grown-up” topics, I had a funny idea. Why is every song about grown-up stuff if every person would go back to elementary school in a heartbeat if they had the chance? No worries, no knowledge of the horrors of the world, and most importantly, lots of dinosaurs and sharks!!!! It was AWESOME!

This song is meant purely to provide positive energy and rekindle the innocent intentions of our past. It darts from topic to topic like the mind of a little kid, never too entrenched in one idea before the excitement of another overtakes momentary priority. It samples over and over “How I want ya... How I need ya!” in the way that an innocent mind is fixated on something, whether it be the cute girl from across the room or a new Tyrannosaurus Rex toy that would totally complete their life…(for the day at least!)! The title itself lampoons the need to feel tough and secure while most of the time, it just makes you look silly.

Sadly, in the year since this song was created, horrible tragedies such as the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting, the Boston Marathon bombings, children killed in the Kenyan mall takeover, and countless other terrible events have provided further proof of the ever growing need for a movement in the other direction. Why is the momentum of our society progressing towards more and more heinous crimes while contrasting with less and less challenging of their occurrence. The level of apathy rises with each new technological advance that removes us from reality one step further and provides another distraction from human connection, leaving a void in the love needed to have a positive movement that advances our purpose. The only way to fight evil is with positive energy and happiness, as evil fought with force or more evil only propagates the problem. As naive as it may seem, every person, no matter how normal or evil they grow up to be, was an innocent kid at some point. This leaves us with a valuable common denominator to utilize while trying to meld the broken pieces of society into a better place to live in.

Late one night, after playing Tmac a couple unfinished songs in the studio, he said wait go back to that little kid one, that’s what you need to be doing dude, who can’t relate to that? Over a year later and hundreds of emails, Google drive documents, and lengthy phone calls to Michigan and New York, and finally we are here. I very sincerely want to thank everyone who helped take an idea in my head and made it come to life. It is an extremely special and personal process to take a thought and vision and flesh it out into actual action and then a cut down selection of media.

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