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Copy This – Media downloads and piracy wars! 5 (2)

Part 1: History doesn’t repeat…

If creativity is a field, copyright is the fence. –John Oswald


We’ve all done it at least once. From the earliest days of Napster to the evolution of torrents, almost everyone with access to a computer has at one time or another pirated some type of media, whether it be music, film, e-book, software, etc. It’s relatively easy, cheap, and much more convenient than going to the store to buy said media.


But wait! Too many downloads and you might findRead More »Copy This – Media downloads and piracy wars! 5 (2)

Content as a Catalyst – Do we really need more controversial artists and material in the music industry? 5 (1)

Content as a Catalyst

Recently we had an article on the site which included an interview with Ed Greens. In this interview, he said “…music is music and resistance is resistance, therefore music can never replace resistance or activism…” This response struck me as particularly potent and got me thinking. If music isn’t resistance, or much less revolution, then what is it? When artists write scathing satires or blatant, outright attacks on the powers that be, or when they attempt to draw attention to the simple injustices of everyday life, what are they trying to accomplish? Perhaps it’s not an attempt to Read More »Content as a Catalyst – Do we really need more controversial artists and material in the music industry? 5 (1)

Rhymers, rhyme and meter - Poetry, Rap and Hip Hop

Special Delivery – Does it really need to rhyme and what exactly is a meter? 5 (1)

Two weeks ago I threw out an idea of what constituted good poetry. Is it necessary to employ certain rhyme patterns, meter, or syllable patterns? No, not at all. One can easily write a poem in a free verse format and still create the necessary imagery to make an impact, though even free verse will often take on a natural flow of its own. Despite this, the arguments for strict rhyme and meter remain prevalent with more than just a few people.

Rhymers, rhyme and meter - Poetry, Rap and Hip Hop

It’s hard to argue against the effectiveness of lyrical patterns. They’re catchy, pleasant to the ears, even Read More »Special Delivery – Does it really need to rhyme and what exactly is a meter? 5 (1)

Earth Speakers and Global Revolution through poetry

Poetry as Revolution – ‘What exactly is Poetry?’ 5 (1)

Poetry as Revolution

Earth Speakers and Global Revolution trhough poetryPlease note that all opinions expressed herein are solely that of the author.

We’ve all heard the dreaded question in high school English classes, college classes, writing seminars, book clubs. The list goes on. What exactly is poetry? For some, the answer is quite resolute. Poetry should adhere to strict literary standards, albeit many different standards, whether it be meter, rhyme, or rhythm, or any combination of those and more. For others, poetry’s definition is much more vague. It doesn’t need rhyme, meter, nor a particular rhythm. Some even claim blunt, raw feeling spilled onto a piece of paper is worthy of being called poetry. So where Read More »Poetry as Revolution – ‘What exactly is Poetry?’ 5 (1)