Marton Juhasz – Discovery

Album release by Marton Juhasz entitled Discovery .
"Artwork / photos (Photo credit - Alex Ventling)
You can check out a track by track break down of the project below.:
Discovery - I choose this title not so much because it reflects the music - it's a reflection on my process of finding some kind of personal compositional voice and being comfortable with exposing it to the world.
Sea of Uncertainty - This was to represent the chaos/self doubt/uncertainty that is inherent to the creative process and living as a freelance artist in general.
The Curve - This was inspired by the idea that there are a number of exponential processes that are underway globally (climate change, debt, overpopulation, habitat loss, environmental destruction etc.) and we are about to hit the steep slope - curve - of these graphs. Also, I like the idea that if you ascend high enough from the Earth you begin to see the planet's curve.
Little Prayer - This one is an attempt to acknowledge the mystical even during the mundane/frustrating times - like waiting in traffic jam.
Levian - was inspired by a dream I had where I was underwater and in contact with a very alien looking and seemingly fully conscious whalefish.
Industry - is a juxtaposition of a native way of living (the choir) and industrial-economic processes (bass lines) that eventually poison the habitat.
Stino - I wrote this one for a friend - a fantastic jazz guitarist who one day decided to make contemporary hip hop albums instead.
Wolves Gather Around a Winter Moon - subtitle for this song is "Angels Pass By". I wanted to write something to contrast a dark, primal, animalistic scene with a flyby of a group of angels - effortlessly dividing and shining over the darkness.
Strange Glow - This is trying to capture the eerie feeling of going home on empty streets late at night on a late Autumn evening. I'm always struck by how ominous everything looks under street lightning.
Run - subtitle is "away" - This song is about running away from harm - no destination, just run until you collapse from exhaustion and then lay there on the ground because you just can't move anymore."
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