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Growzie – Don’t Sleep On Me

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Take a look at Growzie's latest hip hop video Don't Sleep On Me. This is what he had to say when we asked:

Where did you get your inspiration for this video?

"I was analysing the music of today and noticed that the majority of artists in the industry are not portraying the right message to the youth and decided to tell it straight how it is. I came up with the title 'DON'T SLEEP ON ME' because I truly believe that many of the artists nowadays are sleeping on and not realising what impact there music has on the younger generation. With all the hard work I put in on a daily basis alongside work etc. I can bring the positive vibe back that industry us missing . "

More Details You can download my mixtape which was released August 31st 2013 by clicking on the link.
Also check out my official website for all the latest news, music updates, plus up and coming projects etc.

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