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Home > What’s New? > Who are the real UK Hip Hop Elite when it comes to freestyles and cyphers?

Who are the real UK Hip Hop Elite when it comes to freestyles and cyphers?

NLT Production and The Elite Leagues freestyle take over is here! Live hip hop Challenges for Elite Lyricists!

NLT production on A/V Revolution
Company Name: NLT Country: UK
Content: Hip Hop, Freestyle, Challenges, Battles, Live Performance, Cyphers City/State: London
Focus: Underground, Artist Development, Lyricism, Live Performance, Challenges Start Date: 27/08/2011
Founder: – CameraMan: –
Caption: – Team Size:-
NLT Productions offering a full range of Studio Services, a selection of Music Technology Courses and Events under our UK Hip Hop therapy movement, The ELITE League.

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A/V Revolution’s selection: The ELITE Cyphers at London’s Lyricist Lounge

A/V Revolution is often happy to make an appearance at the exceptional Elite Leagues cyphers! With ‘best beat’ competitions, freestyle challenges and performances judged by well respected artists within the UK Hip Hop community, Elite Leagues really does seem to have it all. Most notable for us is the community atmosphere and respect of artistic expression. Crazy lyricists, poets and even the occasional singer might be seen smashing the open mic sets. Since our first attendance in late 2011, we have seen noticeable growth in many artists, both performance and content wise.

The movement is greatly appreciated by all and is spreading its reach across the country from Brighton to Leeds! After attending you quickly begin to realise the breadth and depth the Elite Leagues has to offer underground artists from all around. Big shouts to host and freestyle mastermind Leen, the Elite Leagues is that underground revival we all need.




NLT’s thoughts :

What is your goal?

“At NLT Productions our goal is to continue producing quality music, engage and develop new artists, provide education services and successfully promote The ELITE Leagues events. This is all with a view to improving the reputation of UK Hip Hop and positively affecting the local community.”

Who is your content for?

“If you are an MC, Lyricist, Freestyler, Beat Maker, Singer, Poet, Spoken Word artists or music lover NLT Productions has something for you.”

Elite Leagues on A/V Revolution

The famous crazy drunken lady cypher (contains strong language)

Notable Mentions:

“NLT Productions, The ELITE Leagues, De La Haye TV, DLHTV, LeeN, Tenchoo, Dekay, Lefty, Midi, Emerge, Kimba, DJ Sugai, DJ RockTaylor”




Big respect to NLT for taking part in the A/V Revolution Project. We hope to hear from you and your music platform again very soon.
Feel free to leave a comment and share with friends. Peace.

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